FSST release notes ================== Changes in FSST 6.0 - updated bundled data files to UniProt release 2012_01, Gene Ontology 2012.01 and GOA release from January 2012 Changes in FSST 4.2 - updated bundled data files to UniProt release 2010_10, Gene Ontology 2010.10 and GOA release from October 2010 Changes in FSST 4.1 - updated bundled data files to UniProt release 2010_08, Gene Ontology 2010.07 and GOA release from July 2010 Changes in FSST 4.0 - updated bundled data files to UniProt release 15.12, Gene Ontology 2010.01 and GOA release from December 2009 Changes in FSST 3.1 - updated bundled data files to UniProt release 15.3, Gene Ontology 2009.04 and GOA release from May 2009 - GO term probabilities are now calculated based on their occurrence in UniProtKB and GOA UniProt Changes in FSST 2.1 - updated the bundled data files to UniProt release 13.3 and Gene Ontology 2008.04 - show progress information while building the database Changes in FSST 2.0 - updated the bundled data files to UniProt release 12.8 and Gene Ontology 2008.01 - added progress monitor; Current work progress is written to the console in configurable intervals, information provided: percentage complete, estimated time left, and elapsed time. - added support for external database servers, e.g. MySQL; Instead of the embedded database, FSST can now use external database systems that provide an ODBC compliant driver. The driver jar file has to be added to the classpath when building the database or running FSST. Use --help to get information on the required command line options. - added support for CCscore, funSimAll, and rfunSimAll; CCscore is equivalent to BPscore and MFscore for cellular component. funSimAll and rfunSimAll take all three ontologies into account. - changed output formats to include new scores; Abbreviation for "average" has been changed from "ave" to "avg" The new column order for a pairwise comparison is: acc1, acc2, rfunsim (max), funsim (max), rfunsimAll (max), funsimAll (max), mfscore (max), bpscore (max), ccscore (max), rfunsim (avg), funsim (avg), rfunsimAll (avg), funsimAll (avg), mfscore (avg), bpscore (avg), ccscore (avg), matching pfams, non-matching pfams The new column order for an all-against-all comparison is: acc, rank, acc, rfunsim (max), funsim (max), rfunsimAll (max), funsimAll (max), mfscore (max), bpscore (max), ccscore (max), matching pfams, non-matching pfams, rank, acc, rfunsim (avg), funsim (avg), rfunsimAll (avg), funsimAll (avg), mfscore (avg), bpscore (avg), ccscore (avg), matching pfams, non-matching pfams - new matrix conversion tool; de.mpg.mpi_inf.bioinf.gotaxexplorer.cml.ConvertMatrix performs post-processing of FSST output files in matrix format. ConvertMatrix allows to: - split the matrix and save the column ids, row ids, and the values in different files - bring the matrix into symmetrical form by sorting the rows and columns, saved in new file - convert similarity values to distance values and vice versa - replace NaN values with a given string, e.g. 0.0 or 1.0